Nagios with nginx over https

This is the nginx conf which worked for me for running Nagios3 with nginx over https, just putting it up here for needy folks like me. Considering following upstreams for php5-fpm and fcgiwrap: upstream php { server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; } upstream perl { server unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket; } Assuming both php5-fpm and fcgiwrap for perl cgi are running,…

Airtel 3G

Airtel has launched it’s 3G services in Bangalore, I enabled it, it’s the first time I am using any 3G service on my any phone. Airtel delivers more than 1 mbps in normal coverage conditions on my iPhone 3GS, here are the screenshots which I took from the two Speed test Apps that I have…