How to Make Trillions of Dollars is an article which will shake your core, there is a lot of truth in there. A must read and inculcate. Couldn’t resist blogging about it.
Category: Lifestyle
Rishi has jotted down all the references and steps needed to get a Voter ID in Bangalore, act now an get it painlessly. The last date for getting your name on the Electoral Rolls is 22 Feb, 2008. Use your rights and use it for Good.
Brindavan Garden, originally uploaded by abgpt. Brindavan Garden (near Mysore in Karnataka, India) is amazingly awe-inspiring specially in the night. This photo is of the colourful fountains which are an integral part of the beautiful garden, taken at aperture f/5.6, 10 sec shutter speed and 6 mm focal length by my Canon S3 IS.