After doing considerable research over the Internet I found following as the major Advantages of using nginx vs using Apache. Apache 1) Apache uses a blocking model of using threads for processing requests. 2) One thread is dedicated for serving one request. 3) The threads have to do sync with there Process so it’s a…
Tag: unix
Receives my Raspberry Pi, the credit card sized ARM based computer board. Have already stared exploring what it can do. Tried the lighter versions of nginx, MySQL and WordPress on it, works like charm. Have planned to do much more, watch this space for more.
If you are wondering what (why) the heck is this post about, 1234567890 was the Unix (epoch) time at “Sat Feb 14 05:01:30 IST 2009”. So Feb 14 is special in some other means too this year. $ date –date=@1234567890 Sat Feb 14 05:01:30 IST 2009 is pretty neat.