I never took a look at any of the Live CDs, but today Ubuntu Live CD helped me write this post. I don’t know what heppened to the OSs installed on my Lappy. Trying to figure that out. 🙁 Ubuntu Live CD Works.
FOSS.IN is here again, going to be organized from Nov 24 to 26 at IISC, Bangalore. Register Now before you have to pay double the registration fee.
Linux powered Moto Ming (Motorola A1200) was launched in India two weeks back. It’s one of the latest Linux based Moto phones. Phone looks awesome and is too delicate to handle. After beeing in my hands for two weeks it has already got a few scratches :(. 2 MP camera, Smooth rubber coated body, translucent…
Bangalore BarCamp was organised at Yahoo! Bangalore, a super whole-day Unconference with 150+ participation. For the uninitiated BarCamp was initiated by Ross Mayfield, Chris Messina and company in response to criticism of FooCamp which was started by Tim O’Reilly. Here are the minutes: Chris Messina who *works* on Flock and Tara Hunt of Riya talking…