I used Flock for the first time today, I am impressed. It’s a nice socializer and comes with capabilities of Firefox. Amazingly beautiful. Blogged with the Flock Browser Tags: flock, firefox, social networking
Tag: Linux
It’s become a common question right now that why FireFox 2 is not available on the Fedora Core 6 default package repositories? The answer seems to be on the FireFox 2 page of the Fedora Project Wiki. A small quote from this page: For a variety of reasons, we are not planning to update to…
Today I installed FC6 on my Compaq Presario V2000, had to do some tweaks to get the WiFi running. Here is what I did: 1) Install Livna RPM Repository information: $ rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-6.rpm 2) Install ipw2200 firmware: $ yum install ipw2200-firmware 3) Add following to /etc/modprobe.conf: options ipw2200 hwcrypto=1 associate=0 4) Add ESSID and…
I never took a look at any of the Live CDs, but today Ubuntu Live CD helped me write this post. I don’t know what heppened to the OSs installed on my Lappy. Trying to figure that out. 🙁 Ubuntu Live CD Works.
FOSS.IN is here again, going to be organized from Nov 24 to 26 at IISC, Bangalore. Register Now before you have to pay double the registration fee.